Category Archives: Tour


“Amazing and unmatched anywhere in world, a living disneyland full of wildlife, most diverse marine ecosystem, magnificent rainforest and a very authentic cultural heritage.”

Amazing Borneo is an incredible and mystical Island with a colorful history, chronicling tales of the Iban tribal warriors known for their headhunting exploits to the white Rajahs of Sarawak Holidays, the intriguing sultanate of Brunei and the colonial stories of the then North Borneo, now better known as Sabah. With its vibrant culture, awesome nature and mind boggling diversity of exotic wildlife, Borneo is a nature’s theme park, un-match anywhere in the world.

Borneo is the third largest Island in the world and has the oldest rainforest at 130 million years.

Geographically, this unique island of Borneo comprises the Malaysian states of Malaysian Sabah Tourism in the north and Sarawak Holidays in the south west, the Kingdom of Brunei sandwich between the two Malaysian states and tribal Indonesian Kalimantan province in the south. With this composition and a 27 million population, it is the only Island in the world which has three countries in it. Therefore, imagine its rich cultural diversity coupled with the colonial influences which is envy to many.

The Island is also host to Malaysia’s first world heritage site, The Kinabalu National Park Tour Packages with Mount Kinabalu rising majestically in Sabah and later followed by another listing in Sarawak which is the Gunung Mulu National Park Tour Package, a collection of enormous cave networks, rock pinnacles, cliffs and gorges. Her coastlines are dotted with beautiful captivating idyllic islands and beaches boasting varieties of secluded seaside chalets and serene luxury resorts. Her rainforest are full of flora and fauna mostly unseen and unmatched anywhere in the world. Its seas are full of sparkling and dynamic marine creatures which are perfect for snorkelling and diving. We invite you to visit this unrivalled place in terms of nature’s gift. To imagine being in Borneo is a pleasant and wonderful feeling, but being here in reality is even more unique and a rare experience ……………… Come and let live the adventure.

Maliau Basin tour packages

Maliau Basin tour packages

Exotic wildlife, steamy and sultry rainforests, Sabah also boasts of being the home to the highest mountain in the Malay Archipelago. Sabah Holidays promises to give you a tour of a lifetime. You can pay a visit to the colorful marine ecosystem, or the largest population of the Proboscis Monkeys, Tours in Sabah is very varied.

You cannot possibly ask for more when you get the most spectacular view of the South China Sea, from the Tempurung Seaside Lodge, and the stunning cloud covered Mt. Kinabalu. If you want a more masculine tour package, you can also opt for 4WD excursion through the isle, or a climb to the peak of the highest mountain. Whatever your taste may be, Malaysian Sabah Tourism would make that happen for you.

The rustic mountain calls for you to conquer it. Climbing Mount Kinabalu is an adventure that you will never forget. Breathtaking sceneries, and a sense of achievement is what you would take home with you. Sabah tours would definitely give you unlimited memoirs to cherish.

The Kota Kinabalu tour packages include a city tour of the vibrant capital of Sabah. An ultra-modern city that’s a gateway to the other realm, Kota Kinabalu is well connected to many countries around the world. Opt for Kinabalu National Park tour packages, or the mysterious rain forests of the Crocker range, everything lies just outside the contemporary city of Kota Kinabalu. Malaysian Holidays to the magical land of Borneo, is worth every penny.

Adventure Package in Borneo

Adventure Package in Borneo


Borneo island and beaches are perhaps the greatest getaways if you want to spend time in the lap of Mother Nature, and breathe in the freshness of a land that is culturally rich and abundant in greenery. The view of the South China Seas, activities such as fruit plucking, and rubber tapping would make you cherish the moments of your life.

Trekking in Borneo holds a different meaning altogether when you move away from the city into the rainforests, climb up virgin mountains, and walk through mud volcanoes and limestone caves.

For an excursion to the Tabin Wildlife Reserve, take the Tabin tour packages that are innovatively well made. You can see the endangered species of pygmy elephants, Sumatran Rhinos, and Tembadau and Clouded Leopards.

The lost world of the Maliau Basin, can be explored with the Maliau Basin tour packages. Protected by the gods, this saucer shaped basin has many hidden secrets that is yet to be known by mankind. Waterfalls, greenery and a bird eye view of the entire basin is what awaits you among many other attractions.

Tours in Brunei, one of the tiniest country in the world, includes a vision of royal lavishness. This small country is one of the richest in the world due to the petroleum wealth.

Batang Ai National tour packages, Kinabatangan Wildlife tour packages, and Danum Valley packages are among the many that are available when on an expedition to Borneo. The island tours prove that nature is abundant with luxuries.